
Home » Services » Endodontics


Endodontics is the branch of dentistry dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the dental pulp (the soft tissue inside your tooth), or the inside of your tooth. The primary goal of endodontics is to prolong the life of the natural tooth, protecting you from the long process and high cost of a tooth replacement.

  • Root Canal
    Our dental officers and endodontists are experienced in performing root canal therapy, whereby infected pulp underneath the upper layer of the tooth is removed. The root canals are subsequently cleaned and then filled with root filling materials. Upon completion of root canal therapy, it is then highly recommended for root canal treated teeth to be crowned to reduce risk of tooth fracture.

* Disclaimer Notes

This is not a complete list of all the conditions we recognise and treat. The information is designed for educational reference only and should not be seen as medical advice.

Please consult one of our qualified healthcare professionals for an accurate diagnosis before starting on any treatment.

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